rambling othercat

I'm a 40 sumthin' computer geek. I like to barmp my sax with the band on thursday nights. I live in Toronto with my partner, and Grendel, a chihuahua.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Bill Maher at Massey Hall

I had the pleasure of seeing Bill Maher perform at Massey Hall this past evening. His act is very political, and he still pulls no punches when it comes to expressing his opinion. I got the distinct impression that the tour was just starting, and he was working out on a favourable audience. I think most Canadians are anti-Bush, and Mr. Maher certainly is. It was like a preacher delivering a sermon to the converted, with a lot less reverence.

There are no sacred cows, and his rant covered many topical issues. I am glad to hear that he's taking potshots at the current situation of church and state in the White House. Like a lot of people on either side of the border, I'm very uncomfortable with the pandering that the Republicans have been performing for the evangelical types. Seems to me that Bush will even lie to them, even though he professes to share their faith. I am beginning to think the US of Canada versus JesusLand cartoon is truer than we may care to believe.

Bill Maher is an articulate man when he isn't swearing. At the same time, his use of expletives was almost necessary considering the subject matter. If I had the same public profile I know I'd be saying the same things. I'm glad that men like Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and our own Rick Mercer are able to practice their incisive and now necessary craft of political humour. It looks like the supposed news media has given up the investigative aspects of their job, and have relegated the task to comedians. It may come to the point where the audiences may not know whether to laugh or cry if this keeps up.


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