rambling othercat

I'm a 40 sumthin' computer geek. I like to barmp my sax with the band on thursday nights. I live in Toronto with my partner, and Grendel, a chihuahua.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Starting A New Band

I just spent the afternoon at Hubris' place. We mangled some shelving, and more importantly, we found a few minutes to pull out our geetars. Y'see, we're starting a new musical endeavor with Handsome Jack. We'll have to keep Susan and Sassinak in mind when we need some percussion. For now, we're a three guitar band with not a whole lot of repertoire or ideas going for us.

Consider the fact that I'm not much of a guitarist, Hubris is just starting out, and HJ has played a fair bit in the past, but she's currently rusty. I think we all have an equal footing. It should prove to be a pleasant challenge to find a bunch of songs that we can all play without fumbling around the fretboard too much. It's going to be awesome.... someday.

Most people would be a little scared at the prospect, but to tell the truth, I'm quite excited. I don't get a lot of opportunities to play the guitar. I do my fair share of singing at the Thursday night jams, but I could always get more practice. The combination of the two is going to be really daunting, but I'm up for the challenge.

The biggest hurdle will be to get up to speed with enough tunes, quickly enough that we don't get discouraged and pack it in. Hubris and Jack have never met before, but that isn't an issue. They're both civilized and sociable adults with their humour intact, and they're as eager as I am to get this thing off the ground.

We already have a band name, so the worst part of the job is over. It's gonna be called LMN, after our first initials. Until something better comes along, I'm happy with that. Let the jams begin. I'll keep you posted when we've got something to show for our efforts, like a recording or a gig.

Rock and roll will never die. It will just have to get out for Pilates classes, and some regular exercise.


  • At 4:03 p.m., Blogger Handsome Jack said…

    I see you chose the Dark Horse. Very good ... considering our shaky skill set and lack of repetoire.

    So put that one on the list why don't we - "Let This Dark Horse Run" Amanda Marshall.


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