rambling othercat

I'm a 40 sumthin' computer geek. I like to barmp my sax with the band on thursday nights. I live in Toronto with my partner, and Grendel, a chihuahua.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

If you can't run with the big dogs, get a kat

I sure am taking a lot of heat over this kitten naming thing. Pandora, or whatever her name is, still languishes without a name courtesy of her human, and I'm taking it on the chin for leaving out details like the cat's gender. Geez.

Before PJ and I even got Spot, we decided that we'd heap abuse on the whole feline species by giving our next cat a canine-like name. It was easy. It was going to be either "Spot" or "Rover." We rambled over to Paris ON, just in time to see Cashmere's fine looking litter of three newborn kittens. We saw one that had a spot on it, and thus we found our kitten.

We waited a few weeks until the wee darlings were weaned and then I took the little devil home to a less than charitable welcome by the othercat. The othercat hissed as if to say "who the #%$&@ are you?" We replied "This is Spot." It was a baptism by fire. Case closed.


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