rambling othercat

I'm a 40 sumthin' computer geek. I like to barmp my sax with the band on thursday nights. I live in Toronto with my partner, and Grendel, a chihuahua.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Yogi Liam

I dropped into my local yoga studio today for a session. The class was led by a beautiful young woman named Alli. We started by lying in a meditative pose called Savasana. It's really just checking in with your body and coming to grips with the slight bits of tension that we all carry. Alli began the class with a short bit of Sanskrit chanting and a series of sun salutations. We proceeded to work on some stretching and strengthening exercises once we were warmed up. We wound down in savasana at the end to check back in and discover the changes that we might have effected during the session.

I have been reading about the practice of yoga for some time, and been thinking that my pilates practice would have made me ready for it. Was I ever wrong. I am constantly reminded of my weaknesses whenever I think that I'm strong enough. The students consisted of four women and me. Three of them were incredibly flexible and strong, and the fourth woman was a slightly more advanced novice who nonetheless had much greater ability than I did. In some poses, or asanas, as they are called, I was barely able to get into them, while most of the women were executing them with a great deal of facility. So much for the masculine conceit of athletic prowess.

It's not that my pride is injured or anything. Everyone needs a reminder of their inadequacies once in a while. It's a lifelong struggle to keep improving. We all need to work hard to keep the pace. I'm just another mortal guy with strengths and weaknesses. I know I've got these weaknesses, but I can always improve on them. Try something new to realize that we're not superheroes. Don't dwell on your strengths but try to overcome your weakness.

The thing I notice after a few hours of reflection is that I'm a little sore all over. My muscles have been tweaked from my head to my toes, and despite my lack of flexibility, I've been worked out very well. If you're looking for something to get a complete workout, yoga would be an excellent choice. I'm not mentioning the spiritual side of the practice, because that's not something I'm qualified to yap about.

The aspect of yoga that I appreciate most is it's not a competitive sport. It's all about personal pursuit rather than showing off your chops. I'll save that for Thursday nights when I can barmp my saxophone.


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