rambling othercat

I'm a 40 sumthin' computer geek. I like to barmp my sax with the band on thursday nights. I live in Toronto with my partner, and Grendel, a chihuahua.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The post-op puppy. He's none too happy with the big cone around his neck to keep him from nibbling on his stitches. I keep asking him how many channels he can pull in with the satellite dish. If he understood English, I think he'd tell me to get stuffed.  Posted by Picasa


  • At 11:33 p.m., Blogger sassinak said…

    oh man, he looks so teeny in that giant cone...

  • At 11:49 p.m., Blogger othercat said…

    When he was weighed at the vet yesterday, he registered a whopping 3.5 kg on the scale. He's huge (for a chihuahua).

  • At 11:37 a.m., Blogger Handsome Jack said…

    Did they weigh him before or after? I bet he's only half the dog he used to be. Poor Grendel


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