rambling othercat

I'm a 40 sumthin' computer geek. I like to barmp my sax with the band on thursday nights. I live in Toronto with my partner, and Grendel, a chihuahua.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Snowbank 1, Small Canine 0

Grendel came out on the road with me today. While I was fixing my customer's PC, her colleague M offered to take Grendel for a short walk to the mailbox. I figured there was no harm in that, so off the little fugger went.

A few minutes later, Grendel and M returned. M was in hysterics, and Grendel looked like he had seen some kind of monstrous apparition. Grendel had come face to face with his first snowbank.

A bit of background if I may: Grendel is a small breed of dog that originates in Mexico. He has a short coat, and an obvious love of warmth. Snowbanks are not warm.

Grendel, being none the wiser, figured that he could scamper onto the snowbank for a quick peek. He found out very quickly that some snowbanks are actually quite soft, and if you're only a few inches from the ground, you can disappear quite readily if the snowbank is deep enough.

Grendel was quite shocked by this strange turn of events. M and the rest of us had a good laugh at the little fugger's expense. After all, how is a little condo-dog to know that snowbanks can swallow them whole and cover them in a cold fluffy substance that they've never seen before?

I suspect that Grendel will be a little wary of snowbanks for a while. He didn't get the joke. You should have seen the look on his face.


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