Still Improving
I finished my megadoses of 'roids as of this past Saturday. Now I'm on a
quickly tapering maintenance dose that will dwindle to nothing by the middle
of next week. I am happy to report that my vision continues to improve. I
suspect that I won't be driving the Grand Prix or participating in any
marksmanship competitions, but I am pleased nonetheless.
The MS Magnifier plays less of a role in my ability to use the computer, but
I still need it to see the text on the screen. Now I would estimate that I
can read 48 point text clearly rather than the previous 72 points. Not bad
for only a couple of days. I'm still struggling with a few things, but the
situation improves daily.
It was a grey day yesterday here in Ontario, so I wasn't cheered by the
results. I felt like I had hit a roadblock because I couldn't tell if my
vision had gotten any better. I kept a brave face and went north to see my
mum and dad. I think my father was a bit shocked by the news, and I'm glad I
had a chance to put his mind at ease. I can't measure how my mum felt, but
I'm sure she was equally happy to see me up and about rather than
languishing in a hospital bed with no appreciable sight.
The 'roids act as an adrenal stimulant on top of all the other effects, so
I've had the dubious pleasure of rising before dawn for the last week. It's
not such a bad thing, because it's given me an important benchmark for
measuring my vision. Each day, despite the usually cloudy temperament, I've
noticed the sky getting light earlier each day. People have started turning
on the lights, and the sun does come up after all. I'm bouncing back. Just
thought you'd like to know that there is good news in the world.
Have a great day, and if you're out and about in this foul weather, make
sure you don't slip on the ice.
At 2:52 p.m.,
Handsome Jack said…
Well I should have paid more attention to this bit of advice. Actually I didn't slip on ice but in the messy slushy brown stuff ... kind of a side slide knee drop ... and as I was going down I was thinking "NO, NO, I don't want to fall in this stuff" ... but did anyway. Thank goodness for the Canadian Tire bag I was carrying. It saved me from getting totally plastered with muck. It's suprising how many people can just step over you and be annoyed at you for having to do so. Hey mister, I'm the one laying in the street here. I'm at the awkward age I guess where I'm not old enough to warrant real concern and not young enough to get "picked up". Ah, such is life.
At 8:27 a.m.,
othercat said…
Inconsiderate rat fuggers. I can't imagine getting annoyed with someone because they've fallen down in front of me. That's just sub-human. How hard is it to spare a little good will and assist someone in a sticky situation?
At 8:56 a.m.,
Handsome Jack said…
I can only think it's funny really. As we watch the news and see pictures of cars slithering around and bumping into each other, imagine how many other folk like me got upended and tossed to the ground. All around the city, little people suddenly going topsy turvy, packages flying, skinned knees and bruised vanity. Sometimes it's easier just to fall than to try and save yourself. All that arm flailing can lead to some pretty strange muscle strains. As for the folks that are in too much of a hurry to help ... well, their loss isn't it.
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