rambling othercat

I'm a 40 sumthin' computer geek. I like to barmp my sax with the band on thursday nights. I live in Toronto with my partner, and Grendel, a chihuahua.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Wobbly Pop Database

My pal Sass is going to be disappointed, but it is better she hear from me than some anonymous stranger.

I found a Beer database at http://beer.trash.net/. I did some snooping around to look for some of my favourites, and some of the odd ones I've savoured over the years. To my delight I found a reference for Xingu, a lovely pint from Brazil. I heartily recommend it if you ever get a chance. But getting back to the subject, Sass' favourite, from the Big Rock Brewery, Kold, has only a three bottlecap rating. I'm sure she's going to be writing letters to her Member of Parliament about the terrible slight.

I've taken a few slurps of Kold myself, and Sass' opinion of this fine brew holds up. The rating system goes from one bottlecap (really bad) to five bottlecaps (bloody excellent). Kold, get three, which translates into OK. Boy, is she gonna be irritated! Of course the database was created in the spirit of fun, and I hope your favourite holds up. The database has over 2000 beers from around the world, and it's got some lovely ones. It just hasn't rated Sass' favourite wobbly pop properly.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Whose squeaky toy is it anyway? Grendel likes nothing better than a little tug of war over his squeaky hotdog toy, except perhaps harassing Spot.  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Xavier Rudd's stage setup. I had the pleasure of hearing his concert last night at the Phoenix. He's quite amazing, and plays percusssion, didgeridoos, guitars and sings. Sometimes all at the same time. It was hot and sweaty inside the hall, but it was worth the crowding to hear the music. If you don't know Xavier Rudd, I can't recommend it highly enough. Of course Sassinak fancies herself the leading authority on Xavier Rudd, because she started stalking him last summer. I'm thinkin' he ought to get a restraining order!  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Downstream from the Epping Bridge this afternoon. There were still no alligators using the crossing. I think they haven't come back from vacation down south yet.  Posted by Picasa

It was a long day ahead for the little fugger. He took a good stretch after I woke him up. Once we all got some breakfast into us, he got to come on our annual Mother's Day Mountain Tour. We covered over 140 km the slow way. We stopped at Slabtown, the old corduroy road, Hogg's Falls, The Eugenia Emporium, and the Epping Swamp. It was a grand time. We celebrated Mother's Day in style. As for Grendel's mum, she's a bitch, so we didn't even call.  Posted by Picasa

Even Grendel was impressed when this cute pair of Mallards strutted across the neighbour's yard yesterday afternoon. It's so nice to have visitors dropping by, whether they are human or avian. We saw cardinals, purple finch, swallows and all sorts of other birds this weekend. These two were the highlight though. Just ducky.
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Marsh Marigolds in full bloom. Dazzling little flowers, or as my pal Tomr says, "Plant Porn."  Posted by Picasa

Hogg's Falls. This lovely spot is on the Lower Valley Road downstream the Beaver River from Eugenia. It is one of the pit stops on this year's Mother's Day Mountain Tour. My mum grew up a few miles downstream, and never knew this place existed until today. She was quite delighted to find this place. Here's to Sass' mum, who led me here last summer. Mums Rawwwwk! Posted by Picasa

My mum's garden is looking sharp. The trilliums under the rock are in full bloom. The graphe hyacinths are almost finished, but they still look nice. Her garden is her place of refuge likely because it's out of earshot from Dad and Mike.  Posted by Picasa

Grendel has a new foamy bed for travelling in the car. Lividviv's kitties don't like it, so Grendel is a beneficiary of her generosity. Nice.  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Missed Photo Op

I lent my camera to JollyReid the other day, and I'm kicking myself. The best part is, it's just another missed opportunity to capture the little fugger's life in jpeg. How lame is that?

After the previous commotion with the djembe, Grendel acquitted himself with a great deal of bravery tonight. He growled at first when Sass struck her drum, and within minutes, he was perched on her lap, with his paws on her forearm as she laid down the beat. Like, where's a camera when you need one? All of you Grendel fans will have to be satisfied with my meagre description. It makes for an enjoyable image.

It was a bold leap for chihuahuakinder. He went from a state of fear to acceptance within minutes. He seemed to rather enjoy the tunes that S and S and I made on our collection of things like guitars, low pipe, the auld synth, saxophone, shakers and the djembe that struck fear into Grendel's heart. I wish I could conquer fear as quickly as Grendel can. His world is a little less complicated than mine, but he's taking as much of it in as he is able. I can learn things from my wee canine.

Whoa...Grendel and the Large Beat.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Grendel and the Djembe

Grendel is cowering between my legs as I write this. The little fugger doesn't know what to make of Sassinak's djembe, which I have just brought here in preparation for a jam session on Thursday. He discovered it a few minutes ago, and started barking at it as soon as he spotted it. I figured he was just sounding off at Spot, who is nonchalantly watching from her perch on the couch. I came to see what the fuss is about, and found him. It's a pretty weird reaction. Grendel is on one side growling and barking, and the djembe is just sitting there waiting for someone to strike it.

Who knows what goes on in that tiny brain sometimes? Me? I like drums and drummers. Grendel isn't so sure I guess. We'll just have to wait until Sass and Susan come along to play on Thursday to see what the reaction is then. I'll be playing saxophones. Sass and Sue will be drumming, and I guess Grendel is going to take care of the lead vocals.

Owoooooo! Rrrrrrrr.... Yap.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Here's the view from the bridge on the winter solstice. The river is freezing up and the water levels are relatively high. It was a strange day. The sun was shining through the clouds, snow was falling, and the temperature was well below normal. Much different from the view yesterday. Posted by Picasa